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Living Sober

living soberLiving Sober is a practical 90-page booklet, which demonstrates through a simple example how A.A. members throughout the world live and stay sober. The book has become the basis of recovery from alcoholism. It was written by AA member Barry Leach and first published in 1975 by AA World Services. In 2012, the book underwent slight changes.

Surprisingly, it turned out that living sober does not mean to make our lives gloomy or to poison the joy of other people. While we were drinking, it seemed to us that there was no life without alcohol. But for most members A.A., living sober means living truly, feeling joy. For them, this is much better than all the troubles that they experienced when they drank alcohol. One more note: anyone can become sober. We all succeeded more than once. The whole thing is to live sober. This is what the book is about. A.A. members managed to transit to a sober lifestyle and replaced old habits with new ones. These practical methods described in the book can be easily used at home, at work, or in society.

This book is considered the main “textbook” of a sober life. A kind of primer.

Living Sober has helped millions of alcoholics stay sober, especially at the initial stage of sobriety. Thanks to the book – it is also the “Yellow Book” – many A.A. members learned exactly what to do in certain situations in order to maintain their sobriety and, in the end, bring about a new happy life.

The pages of the book do not contain any new medical prescriptions on how to quit drinking quickly if you are still drinking, or any wonderful secrets on how to alleviate your hangover or not even experience it. This book is about how not to drink (not how to stop drinking). It about how to live sober.